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Webquest: Extracting Evil 

Welcome, traveler! 

Here at GEI, we offer time travel into the past in order to prevent leaders of different countries from making evil decisions. Your mission, is to pick one of our historic leaders provided, and rehabilitate them so that they are no longer evil. Find out as much as you can about their history, background, and events they are linked to in order to get a good sense of what kind of person they are. The more you know about them, the easier it will be to persuade them to come to the good side! Remember, there are always two sides to a story. Therefore, keep in mind that although many may think these leaders were evil, some believed they were good. Think critically in understanding why this may be true.

Before we begin our journey, choose your leader to rehabilitate!


Mao Zedong

Richard Nixon
Josef Mengele
Kim Jung Il
Ayatollah Khomeini
Genghis Khan
Idi Amin
Josef Stalin
Queen Mary I
Marie Antoinette

Good luck traveler! May the force be with you!

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